When it comes to your child, you are the expert in his/her development! This is why we encourage parent participation and feedback throughout our sessions. Our Team Approach and Collaboration promote support for everyone involved in your child's life. We encourage a safe learning environment through consistency and communication for your child to reach success. In turn, this leads to you creating a stronger bond with your little one.

If your child requires Speech (SLP), Occupations (OT), and/or Physical Therapy (PT), consultations may be ordered by your Infant Service Coordinator (ISC). These services will provide recommendations for you to work with your child while your insurance approves the ongoing services.

Infant Massage
Our Certified Infant Massage Instructors (CIMI) will coach parents by modeling various massage strokes.
Research has shown that infant massage can promote many benefits, including:
- Improved sleeping habits
- Decreased stress
- Intestinal concerns
- Increased weight gain and muscle tone
- Reducing the length of neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) stay
- Improving jaundice
- Creates a stronger parent/caregiver and child bonding
As a result, your baby may cry less, be less fussy or colicky, and sleep better. The bonding experience can also benefit a parent's overall mental health.